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lincomycin  hydrochloride


99.0%  min.


white  crystalline powder


methyl  6,8-dideoxy-6-[[[(2s,4r)-1-methyl-4-propylpyrrolidin-2-yl]carbonyl]amino]-1-thio-d-erythro-a-d-galacto-octopyranoside(lincomycin)  hydrochloride monohydrate

cas  no.

lincomycin  hydrochloride has the cas number being 7179-49-9

molecular  formula

lincomycin  hydrochloride has the molecular formula being c18h35cln2o6s,h2o

molecular  weight

lincomycin  hydrochloride has the molecular weight being 461



product  introduction

(cas   7179-49-9)

lincomycin  hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9)isa macrolide antibiotic that has an   antimicrobial spectrum similar to  erythromycin and used to treat tonsillitis, meningitis, pneumonia.in  addition, it is especially suitable for the staphylococcal osteomyelitis and  infection caused by anaerobion.

product  quality

(cas  7179-49-9)

our  professional scientists have studied thecharacteristic   specifications  of lincomycin hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9), including   appearance,  identification, assay, related substances, residual solvents   and so  on.

our  lincomycin hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9) api is manufactured according to    ihs standards. for more detailed coa, please reach us through  following   contact information.

hec  production status

(cas   7179-49-9)

lincomycin  hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9) is commercial available in hec pharm    after its patent expiration. right now, its vmf is available with the    registration number being vmf 6222. and we submitted cep with cep2018-038.

hec  pharm is a qualified pharmaceutical manufacturer with headquarter    based in guangdong, china. we have cgmp/ich compatible quality    management system and facilities audited by fda/eu/tga/who and other    authorities.

for  our specific gmp certificates, please reach us through following contact  information.

hec  contact information

(cas   7179-49-9)

if  you are looking for suppliers of lincomycin hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9),    hec pharm would be your reliable api supplier with intact regulatory    support and reasonable market price.

should  you have interest in our lincomycin hydrochloride (cas 7179-49-9), please  feel free to contact us at 

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